
Arroyo Del Valle Trail Renovation

This project included the renovation of a Class 1 trail. Approximately 5,000 lineal feet of the trail was in a condition of disrepair and required replacement. Our team reviewed options for renovation and provided solutions that were cost effective and maintenance friendly. We also provided professional services for design development, PS&E, and bidding and construction […]

S. Reinway Recreational Use Plan

O’Dell Engineering, a Westwood company created a recreational use plan for the S. Reinway Avenue parcel in Waterford, CA. As a terminus of the river trail, this 16 acre City-owned parcel is a crucial element of the parks and trails system in the community. The site is near the Tuolumne River and it’s trails, and […]

O’Dell Engineering Project Updates: Riverbank Rail Corridor Connects a Community

The City of Riverbank, CA faces an interesting challenge along a highly traveled corridor connecting residential communities and industrial facilities with the rest of town. Thoughtful planners and staff, however, have devised a plan to transform this seemingly useless space along the trail corridor into a vibrant trail system that will safely connect school children […]