
Land Connections–Social Justice Through Landscape Architecture

The world today is changing. Not only in our technological advances but also in how we communicate as individuals. With information across the globe available at the click of a button, we have access to an abundant amount of facts, thoughts, and ideas. This access to information allows us to be more conscious than ever […]

EmPOWERment Park Project Featured on abc10 News

Local abc10 news station recently featured a news piece on the inclusive EmPOWERment Park project and its impact on a child’s access to play. EmPOWERment Park is designed with socially inclusive principles to be a place where people of all abilities and ages, just like Mary Jane, can gather to play and recreate. The park […]

Big Dreams Universally Accessible Park & Playground

This small park entailed the design of a socially inclusive playground adjacent to the town’s Veteran’s Memorial Hall. The Big Dreams Playground 501c3 organization teamed with the Tuolumne County Parks and Recreation Department to find a location and design a playground where all children could be involved with play experiences and development. The project includes […]