
Messick Road Bridge Replacement

O’Dell Engineering, a Westwood company provided land surveying services to San Joaquin County for the Messick Road Bridge Replacement Project. The work included establishing survey controls, performing a complete topographic survey 400 feet upstream and downstream from the existing bridge structure, channel cross sections at 25 ft. intervals, performing a complete right-of-way survey, and preparing […]

In The News: Manteca and Stockton Fastest Growing Communities in San Joaquin County

On May 2, 2014 the Manteca Bulletin reported that new state figures reveal Stockton and Manteca were the fastest growing communities in San Joaquin County last year. Manteca has added almost 8,000 residents sine the housing market collapse in 2007 and now has over 70,000 residents. Although Stockton gained almost 3 times as many residents […]

San Joaquin Housing Affordability Falls

On Thursday, February 20, 2014 the Stockton Record Newspaper reported that housing affordability dropped in San Joaquin County in the first part of 2014. According to the article, the average monthly house payment was up 38%.  The article quotes Darn Blomquist, Vice President of RealtyTrac. He said: “The takeaway for someone in San Joaquin County […]

In The News: San Joaquin County No Longer Foreclosure Epicenter

On January 16, 2014 the Stockton Record Newspaper reported that San Joaquin County is no longer at the top of the foreclosure rankings in the United States. According to the article, the County now holds the 25th spot from the top of the list of communities with the most foreclosures. In the last few years it […]

In The News: San Joaquin County Residents Get Opportunity to Comment on New Winery Rules

On January 24, 2014 the Stockton Record Newspaper reported that San Joaquin County residents had their first opportunity to comment on proposed changes to regulation of wineries within the county. The proposed changes deal specifically with events held at wineries. According to the article, wineries and business advocates claim these events are vital for the […]