
River Islands Recycled Water Line

The Recycled Water Line Project at River Islands consists of 8,370 linear feet of 16 inch pipe that will convey recycled water to various spray fields and other uses within the River Islands development. 2,400 linear feet of this pipeline is along the shoulder of Manthey Road, and the remaining pipe alignment follows a proposed […]


The Ventana development is a 250 acre master planned community in Madera, CA. Ultimate build-out of this community was planned for 4,600 multi-density dwelling units, five acres of commercial, a fifteen acre elementary school, eight acres of public facilities, and twenty acres of parks and open space. O’Dell Engineering, a Westwood company provided services including […]

River Islands

The River Islands project is a 4,905 acre master planned community in Lathrop, CA. Ultimate build-out of this community will be comprised of 11,000 dwelling units, five million sqft of commercial and office space, and nine schools connected by a network of lakes, parks, trails, and open spaces. The construction of 300’ wide levees along […]

Las Palmas East

O’Dell Engineering, a Westwood company created conceptual land use plans for this development located in Patterson, CA.

Altamont Creek

The Altamont Creek project is comprised of a single family residential 130 lot subdivision and creekside neighborhood park. The project included a complex storm drainage solution, bio-swales for improvements to water quality, a FEMA map revision, the Altamont Creek Bridge, creekside habitat restoration, vernal pool planning and avoidance, habitat mitigation, complex hillside grading techniques, and […]