
Arroyo Del Valle Trail Renovation

This project included the renovation of a Class 1 trail. Approximately 5,000 lineal feet of the trail was in a condition of disrepair and required replacement. Our team reviewed options for renovation and provided solutions that were cost effective and maintenance friendly. We also provided professional services for design development, PS&E, and bidding and construction […]

Greenley Road/Mono Way Intersection Improvement Phase 2

O’Dell Engineering, a Westwood company provided civil engineering and land surveying services for the Greenley Road/Mono Way Intersection Improvement Phase 2 in Sonora, CA. Improvements included roadway widening, accessory sidewalk and ADA ramps, signal modifications, overhead utility undergrounding, crosswalks, paving improvements, and restriping. We were very happy to assist the City in improving this vital […]

River Islands Recycled Water Line

The Recycled Water Line Project at River Islands consists of 8,370 linear feet of 16 inch pipe that will convey recycled water to various spray fields and other uses within the River Islands development. 2,400 linear feet of this pipeline is along the shoulder of Manthey Road, and the remaining pipe alignment follows a proposed […]