
Ceres Parks Master Plan

O’Dell Engineering, a Westwood company prepared a comprehensive parks and recreation master plan for the City of Ceres.  A cutting-edge analysis of all recreational programming, services, and facilities was provided to develop a comprehensive strategy to meet the sports fields, recreational facilities, trails, and recreational program needs of the community.

In The News: Ceres Secures Grants for Park Projects

As reported in The Ceres Courier, the City of Ceres was recently awarded a $489,000 California River Parkways (RP) grant for the lower terrace of the Ceres River Bluff Regional Park. O’Dell Engineering has been involved with the River Bluff Regional Park since 2011, providing professional services to the City for a park playground, soccer […]

In The News: City of Ceres Parks Master Plan

Two of O’Dell Engineering’s current City of Ceres projects were recently featured in The Ceres Courier.  The January 27th article, titled “Park ideas to be examined,” provides an overview of the recommendations found within Ceres’ Parks Master Plan. The article chronicles the Master Plan’s evolution toward City Council approval and highlights draft improvement plans for […]

O’Dell Engineering Secures Encroachment Permits for Sewer Pipeline in 70 Days

O’Dell Engineering recently completed the design of a 42 inch sanitary sewer main from Mitchell Road to Moffett Road in the City of Ceres. The project required a 350 foot long horizontal shaft to be drilled under Highway 99 and the Union Pacific Railroad. O’Dell Engineering worked with Caltrans and UPRR to obtain approval for […]