Kaiser Permanente Fresno Medical Center Master Plan

ClientKaiser Permanente
LocationFresno, CA
DisciplinesCivil Engineering, Landscape Architecture

O’Dell Engineering, a Westwood company created a Conceptual Landscape Master Plan for the Kaiser Fresno Medical Center. A comprehensive review of the facility and resultant plan included stormwater re-use feasibility studies, landscape repair and renovation recommendations, and information on phasing and estimates.  General Design Concepts for the project were based upon the goals of creating a beautiful, colorful landscape while mitigating use of potable water for landscaping and for selecting surface material and plants that adequately fulfill the unique needs of staff members and user groups. The project included the entry drive and plaza, parking and motorized circulation areas, all landscape areas, and pedestrian trails and walkways. A very low-medium water use plant palette was selected based on client preferences and facility design parameters.