Avenal Park

ClientCity of Avenal
LocationAvenal, CA
DisciplinesCivil Engineering, Landscape Architecture

This proposition 84 funded park in the City of Avenal is a small half an acre neighborhood park. Despite its size, the park was carefully designed with socially inclusive design features and parameters to provide play for all children regardless of abilities. Child development related features focused on motor function, cognition, sensory stimuli, natural elements, social interaction, and access. Motor functioning was addressed through play activities based on activity not equipment, varied levels of difficulty and progression, varied surface elevations and climbing experiences, active motion activities, and passive play opportunities. Cognitive clarity is addressed with clearly defined and legible play areas, circular play patterns, and playful wayfinding signage, cues, and pathways. Sensory stimuli was integrated with a sound garden, varied textures, water, sand play, and carefully selected plants with high play value that also provide shade in play areas. Social inclusion is encouraged through multi user activities, access ramps, raised sand and water beds, partially enclosed spaces to which children can retreat from activities or gradually enter activities, and rubber surfacing which allows all children to access play features together.