O’Dell Engineering Staff Appointed to Leadership Roles in the American Society of Landscape Architects Professional Practice Networks
Two O’Dell Engineering landscape architecture team members have recently been appointed to leadership positons within the Professional Practice Networks (PPN’s) of the American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA). Chad Kennedy now serves as the Chair Designate for the Council of Professional Practice Networks and Alison Kelly now serves as Co-Chair of the Women in Landscape Architecture Professional Practice Network.
There are a variety of PPN groups within ASLA. The goal of these groups is to provide networking opportunities for professionals of similar interests and areas of expertise within the larger profession of landscape architecture. All members of ASLA are able to select membership in one PPN. In total, there are over 10,000 ASLA members who make up twenty PPN groups.
Chad Kennedy, who was formerly the co-chair of the Children’s Outdoor Environments Professional Practice Network, now serves as the Chair Designate for the Council of Professional Practice Networks. The council oversees all twenty PPN groups. The position of Chair is a three-year term. This year, Mr. Kennedy serves as Chair Designate, next year he will serve as Chair, and the following and final year he will serve as Immediate Past Chair.
Alison Kelly now serves as Co-Chair of the Women in Landscape Architecture PPN. In this role, Ms. Kelly will work with a co-chair and ASLA staff liaison to schedule regular webinars, manage the PPN’s social media presence, contribute or request others to contribute regular articles to the ASLA blog The Field, attend monthly calls with ASLA staff and any interested persons within the PPN, and conduct events at the annual ASLA conference. Her first article for The Field debriefing one of the Women in Landscape Architecture’s signature events at the annual conference is available for viewing here.
Many O’Dell staff are heavily involved with ASLA. The firm advocates strongly for the advancement of the landscape architecture profession and is dedicated to supporting the industry’s growth. O’Dell is thrilled to have our staff members serving in these important leadership positions within the association.
For more information on O’Dell Engineering’s landscape architecture department, please visit our website here.
For more information on ASLA’s PPN’s, please visit their webpage here.
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